
Travel Influencer Romeer Sen urges everyone to travel

Travel Influencer Romeer Sen urges everyone to travel

Travel Influencer Romeer Sen urges everyone to travel, to enjoy the bliss of nature. He disagrees with the concept on how most Indians believe that travelling to different destinations is an expensive deal and majority of people in our country stay away from trips. He states that travelling is for everyone, irrespective of financial status and one must explore the beauty of Planet Earth. As a Travel influencer he has travelled 33 countries and has stayed both in ultra-luxurious hotels and simple hotels.Travel Influencer Romeer Sen urges everyone to travel

According to Mr. Sen, the primary purpose of a trip is the destination and transportation has very little importance in a journey. Even if one travels through a Private jet or train or car or any other public transport, the destination matters a lot. When it comes to luxury, one can opt to stay in luxurious properties or else a simple stay and enjoy the surroundings. But utmost people should travel a lot and witness the beauty of Nature.Travel Influencer Romeer Sen urges everyone to travel

After completing his educational career in prestigious institutions in Mumbai, Romeer Sen travelled to London to complete his Master’s in International Business Management from Middlesex University. Now, as a travel influencer he is one of the most demanded personalities in the hospitality industry. As an Influencer, he has tried to offer a virtual tour to his followers on social media and concentrates on suits or hotels tours. But the ultimate aim was to showcase the unexplored areas of the country. He also states, “Imagine Maldives, so today every celebrity, influencer when sharing their story about the Maldives – it’s about them being in their swimsuits, within the expensive Hotel properties, having breakfast in the pool or bed, and showing the sea and at last a cozy dinner table. My Maldives pictures have my shoot taken early morning at 4 am with the stars and the shooting star photobombing my image. So I am showing the other side of Maldives. I believe in showing different sides of the city or country.”Travel Influencer Romeer Sen urges everyone to travel

Travel Influencer Romeer Sen urges everyone to travel, to explore the world without worrying about the expenses. Sen is also planning to visit different places within India in 2021 and promised his followers that they will be able to see an ecstatic virtual tour of India in the coming days.

Travel Influencer Romeer Sen urges everyone to travel

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