Rabiaah’ Bhatia is a changemaker – a person who believes that “there is no comparison between two people, the only comparison is between you and yourself. If you want to change something outside in your surroundings, first change yourself. Learn from your own mistakes and enhance your life.” She is an outstanding academician who is using her skills for the sake of the improvement of society as well as to make each person understand that their happiness lies in their own hands. A Women Leader whose passion is to create a peaceful society, spread happiness and inspire many other women to lead a life with a purpose. Her vision & mission is to open children’s eyes to the wonder of the world around them and to their role as guardians of their environment.
Here are a few words from Rabiaah’ Bhatia about her career and how she created a space for herself in this world.
Be The Change To Bring The Change!
I never dreamed about success. I work for it. I define success in my own terms, achieve it by my own rules, and build a life which I am proud to live. I always believe that one woman’s success can only help another woman’s success. I am unwavering in my vision and want to always be a better version of myself. Life is full of challenges, the more challenges, the stronger you become and change your perspective towards Life. This is how and why I started my journey of professional life.
Where there is Life, there are “Ups’ & “Downs”. Life is not easy but we can all make our lives beautiful by just one understanding – “We are born for a purpose which only we can fulfill”. Create a mission for you and work towards that mission, this is how we can make our lives meaningful and can overcome all obstacles. there was a time when I wanted to give up on my #life as everything seemed so difficult to me and then one fine day, I gave up. I was unconscious and had no clue what was happening in the outside world. Suddenly, I woke up and realized that the objective of living this life is just not to live for yourself but for others too. I even forgot that I have 2 daughters who are just looking at me to face this world. so, how can I give up on my mission to raise not only my kids but to #empower others too. I started working hard, striving hard, kept persevering for #18years with various #industry domains on different positions & designations to learn & to fulfill my mission.
After working with almost all sectors, there was no mental peace and inner satisfaction. I stopped myself and took a break from my work for 2 years. There was a 360 degree turnaround in my vision because of this one thought to have a purposeful life, due to which I joined the education sector in 2015 with a mission of touching, nurturing millions and millions of lives and raising them to be the leaders who can make this world a better place to live in and then started my entrepreneurial Journey in 2017.
Without a doubt each person has an innate talent. The question is: How do you discover that talent? The only way is to exert yourself in whatever is before you. Your true potential will emerge when you give everything you’ve got to your studies, sports, extracurricular activities, entrepreneurship or whatever you are engaged in. The important thing is that you get into the habit of challenging yourself to the limit and never give up.
A person who believes in “Never Give up”. For me, every failure is a learning and road to success. My Life is based on the Art of “Gratitude” as Gratitude changes your life and Gratitude opens the Heart.
I am a person who believes in spreading happiness, peace and harmony in the society by collaboration and learning from each other. I believe in Try, Try, Try until you Succeed! Learn from your own mistakes and enhance your life.