
Different Kinds Of Butter To Offer This Janmashtami!

Different Kinds Of Butter To Offer This Janmashtami!

Janmashtami is celebrated tonight all across the world as the mark of Lord Krishna’s birth, and he has butter, also known as maakhan, on his primary offerings list! Butter is a traditional offering for Lord Krishna. It is served as a ‘Prasad‘ to Nandagopal, as it is said to be his most favourite food item. The butter offering is the most important one for the little Krishna and it is followed by many other offerings. Butter is also a staple in many kitchens, not just in India but around the world as well. Butter is very well known for its rich flavour and creamy texture, Butter has a quality that enhances everything from breakfast toast to sauces.

But did you know that there are many varieties of butter that you can give as an offering to Lord Krishna this Janmashtami? So with no delays, let us get into the different kinds of butter you can have for Janmashtami.

Salted and UnSalted Butter

This one is a no-starter for all of us. We can have it made at home with any kind of milk but mostly for Janmashtami, cow’s milk is the one that is preferred for churning the butter.

Different Kinds Of Butter To Offer This Janmashtami!

Sweet Cream Butter

It is made with fresh cream and has a subtle sweet taste to it. Try It is common and very easy to make. For Janmashtami, this one is also a great pick.

Different Kinds Of Butter To Offer This Janmashtami!

Smen Butter

fermented butter that is very close to blue cheese and has a taste that is very desirable in many parts of the world. Try this one out this Janmashtami.

Different Kinds Of Butter To Offer This Janmashtami!

Compound butter or Herbed Butter

This butter is made with the addition of herbs and is mostly made by hand. The herbs that are used are thyme, parsley, and many more. This was first found in the Victorian era and is now renowned everywhere. Try this one as well, Janmashtami.

Different Kinds Of Butter To Offer This Janmashtami!

Brown Butter

Also known as Buerre Noisette, it is a must-have French butter in your house for this Janmashtami. Slowly melt your butter and let it get caramelised; that will give it a brown colour and nutty taste.

Makkhan Malai

Soft, luscious, airy, and creamy—made with cow milk during the winters. But you can do the same for this festival as well. It is a sweet and smooth dessert made out of nothing but butter.

Clarified Butter / Ghee

Every staple household has clarified butter, also known as ghee. All you need to do is simmer the regular white butter (unsalted) and get the golden yellow, fragrant clarified butter in your hands.


Some Exotic And Flavourful Butters

There are some butters that are too luxurious to just have around. And here are a few you can try!


Blue Cheese Butter

A special savoury butter that is made with mushing blue cheese, gradually mixing with butter. Too cold, it breaks apart, and too warm, it spoils easily.

Honey Butter or Pink Butter

One of the most irresistible butters you can find and you can have it for the offering on this janmashtami. a little bit sweet and slightly salty, and a delight to serve to anyone, even the little Krishna.

These are some of the butters that you might want to get your hands on and put them up for Lord Krishna this Janmashtami. You can give a small twist of taste to the traditions and procedures. Make your offerings to God slightly more stylish than usual.

Truffle Butter

One of the costliest butters you can have. And if you need a luxurious Janmashtami,? Here is the Truffle Butter! Finely grated truffles were carefully mixed with butter and allowed to sit for sometime to get the grainy yet well-spreading texture.

Cinnamon Butter

Mix your salted butter well with finely powdered cinnamon and a hint of sweetness added to it. It gives a tangy and fresh taste to anything you use. Try to make your Janmashtami a little more exotic with this butter as an offering.


Happy Janmashtami!


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